Understanding & Sharing What Works: The State of Foundation Practice reveals how well foundation leaders understand what is and isn’t working in their foundation’s programs, how they figure this out, and what, if anything, they share with others about what they’ve learned.

As someone who has spent the last decade examining foundation transparency practices (or the lack thereof) and championing greater openness, I read CEP’s findings with an eye for elements that might help us better understand the barriers and catalysts to this kind of culture shift in the field. Here’s what I took away from the report.


任何在基金会内工作的人 - 或任何曾经从基金会申请赠款的人都会告诉您,他们被埋葬在经常感到徒劳的文书工作中(实际上催生了由高峰赠款领导的其他值得称赞的运动项目流线)。在CEP研究中,大多数基金会首席执行官报告发现,大多数标准知识来源对他们不太有用。


阅读有关的全文转向学习文化珍妮特·卡马雷纳(Janet Camarena)在有效慈善事业中心。